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With this search engine, you can search by name, phone number or social security number, and also run background checks.
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Rewind: Earlier I said "All you have to do is send Web traffic to your search engine, and you'll be paid hefty commissions whenever people get their free search results!" All of that is 100% true. But this is where so many "gurus" leave you hanging after they've taken your money, and why so many people fail. Because unless you're an experienced online marketer with deep pockets, you lack the ability to generate targeted Web traffic. So how will you make those commissions? You won't.
If you earn, I'll earn. Which is why I'll start you off by advertising YOUR search engine in MY Google and Yahoo ad campaigns - for FREE! You don't have to know a thing about online ad campaigns, and you don't have to pay Google or Yahoo a dime. Tissa Godavitarne and his team will pay to send targeted traffic to your search engine. When people get their results, the affiliate networks will pay YOU those hefty commissions. THAT is how confident Tissa Godavitarne in the power of my search engine to generate profits for BOTH of you.