Tips On How To Expand Your MyWorldPlus Business

Questions your prospects need answers to:

+ What kind of business are you in?

+ How much money can I make?

+ What do I have to do to earn that money?

Well, what do you think?

I don't have the money to get started.

Are you out of sync? Lead with COMMON SENSE

Lead with the PRODUCT first!

If people are not SOLD with your product, they will not participate in your business.

How to strike up a conversation...

Hi! (breaking the ice)

Talk to negative people ask them:

would you like to do something about it?

have you even considered doing something about it?

and what else bothers you?

Show them what you do! (send them to your web page)


Sometimes people tell you NO because they are looking for ANY way out!

How to develop your ONE MINUTE presentation

Why do some people shy away from Network Marketing?(NM)

Most people do N.M. everyday, they normally just don't get paid for it.

Some refer others and some get paid for their referrals.

Grocery store example. (you need to learn this!)


Leads, expansion, examples

Recommending and promoting what we like

Who do you know who...

+ is always working hard
+ needs to earn more money

Do you think they would like to do something about it?

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