MyWorldPlus Discount Card Worldwide

By joining MyWorldPLUS, you now have FULL ACCESS to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS worth of everyday savings and discounts at over 175,000 stores WORLDWIDE!
Your VIP Platinum membership card gives you full access to savings and discounts at over 175,000 retail locations worldwide. You now have the ability to save money on dining, shopping, travel, recreation, and SO MUCH MORE!

And the best part is, it is SO EASY to use!


Your membership is automatically activated the second you become a member. So all you need to do is click on the Save Money link at the top of the page and enter in your zip code or country to find all the locations in your local area that offer you discounts.

You can even narrow your search by using the Advanced Search function to search for a specific store or category.

Once you find the store at which you want to redeem your discount, just click on it, and then click on the button to print the coupon.

All you have to do is present that coupon with your VIP Platinum membership card and you can save money almost anywhere you go!

By using VIP Platinum Card, in Singapore you can get discount for 20 hotels.
In Malaysia about 51 Hotel offer their discount.
Thailand - 37 Hotels
Indonesia - 23 Hotels
Philippine - 14 Hotels

All above mostly offer 50% discount for MyWorldPlus member.

You can choose to the following logo to get Discount Shopping.

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